Sunday, March 9, 2014


      Getting spring to come early here in the North East is a passion of mine.
I have spent many years forcing branches and bulbs for flower shows and for my self.
Here are a few tips for forcing bulbs.

Plan ahead! Make sure you keep your bulbs in a dark and cold(35 degrees) place for the minimum time, daffodils need a good 6 weeks of cold.

Pot them up with good potting soil and come compost and a table spoon of bone meat for an 8 inch pot.

Keep the bulbs at the surface of the pot so the roots have all the room, and crowed then in next to each other so you will get a full pot of blooms.

Keep them watered but never soggy! Bulbs will rot easily if they don't have a chance to dry out each week.

When plants start to sprout move your bulbs to a full sun window, or the growth will get leggy, week and flop if the plants are not getting enough light.

In no time you will have flowers and fragrance that sooth the winter blues.

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